Professional Makeup Course 專業潮流化妝師速成班 (4 -6 人班) 極速學會<明星雜誌 化妝 技術>!! 自用入行均適合~ 全程由 <行內著名星級化妝學校導師> 業餘親自授課 - 專業潮流指標, 真正星級之選!! 創新獨特教法 , 多年經驗亳無保留傳授, 成功 令學員以最短時間 , 熟練潮流妝容描繪及專業知識. 每班低至 2-4 人, 加強導師
M美容 / 教學進修Makeup Secret

Real Estate Services Residential Leasing We provide detailed information about the local living environment and housing market, and help to identify an apartment or house that fits the client’s requi
P物業地產 / 地產代理公司Pacific Relocations - Pacific Properties

PRODUCTS - last will & testament Have you made a will? For those of you who have taken the time and trouble to make a Will, the question ‘have you made your Will yet?’ brings on an en
S商業 / 法律事務SAR International Limited. Professional Willwriters

Wedding Package Imagine sparkling white marble, sensual coral pinks, calm blues, grand burgundy reds and through gracious windows, velvet greens. Imagine Parkview's exclusive setting to capture your
H結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Hong Kong Parkview
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